Thoughts on foreign travel interspersed with experiences and the incredible love of God.

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Thoughts on grading...

I hate grading papers...I love grading student writing, don't mind grading quizzes and tests, even enjoy grading projects from time to time, but I hate grading daily work.  One would think that, given complete freedom to grade my students in the way I see fit, I would have found a way around this by now.  Instead, I spent a couple of hours today sifting through papers, reading through grammar exercises, and entering scores in my gradebook.

I put headphones into the computer and listened to music--that helped.  But I am starting to wonder if I should invest in a clipboard and grade the way I was shown in some of my education classes--as the students work.  That way I could focus my attention outside of class grading the things I really enjoy (and lesson planning, which is something I enjoy even more).  It's worth a thought, but I guess we're going to be entering into a writing project soon, anyway, so it will be a while before I'll need to put that thought into action...

Either that or I can just wax eloquent in a poem, something along the lines of my favorite Jack Prelutsky poem, the one that begins with: Homework, oh homework, I hate you, you stink, I wish I could wash you away in the sink...

Should my thoughts about grading ever make their way into a poem, I'll make sure to post it here so everyone can enjoy it. :-)

(Oh, and on an exciting side note, I found the most recent Notes from Toad Hall in my mailbox after school.  Yay!  I think I know what I'll be reading tonight. :-)

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