Thoughts on foreign travel interspersed with experiences and the incredible love of God.

viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011


I'm feeling homesick today, really for the first time since I've gotten here.  And what am I homesick for?  Husker football.

Now, to understand this, you really need to know that I have never before come even remotely close to saying anything like this before. 

I resisted the Husker football culture when I first moved to town, partly because everyone was telling me that getting drawn in would be inevitable.

I definitely didn't think I would miss it when I was gone...

Yet here I am.  In Guatemala.  Thinking that nothing would be better than to be able to watch tomorrow's football game in the company of friends.

Apparently the culture snuck up on me, and Husker football is now synonymous with home.

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