Thoughts on foreign travel interspersed with experiences and the incredible love of God.

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

Getting close...

Hopefully in a week from now I will already be home. 

Things have been a little crazy.  A lightning storm Thursday night knocked out the clocks, phone, and internet (as well as the power overnight, though that at least was back on by the time we got to school in the morning).  Phones, clocks, and wireless internet are not back yet, though internet though cables is back up and running. 

Then, Friday night, our street flooded again, though this time, thankfully, the water didn't rise enough to come inside.  Just enough to cover the street in mud, keep cars from being able to come through, and have everybody anxiously watching to see if the house would flood.  Some houses did.  But this time, our house did not. 

We're into finals week.  Finals and graduation.  Then it will be time to make our way home. 

I would appreciate any prayers for safe travel this weekend.  With the rains and mountains, I am hoping there won't be landslides and that the visibility and road conditions will be good. 

I'm looking forward to coming back to America!

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