Thoughts on foreign travel interspersed with experiences and the incredible love of God.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Gratitude by comparison...

A friend recently told me she finds it easier to be thankful for what she has when she compares her situation with other people around her...

As far as that goes, I only have to look at my host family to find a lot to be grateful for.  We shared the experience of the flood, but they were the ones directly impacted by the loss.  And today, while I was worrying about a family member with declining health, I learned that a baby born to one of their relatives last week died today...I, on the other hand, received word that the family member I was worried about might be doing better than I thought...

That doesn't mean I always have to look at the worst case scenario to be grateful, and I realize that we all have our turns at hardships, but the parallels this time were striking.

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