Here is another video from the first procession we saw this morning. The morning's procession was of Jesus carrying the cross, followed by the Virgen de Dolores (Mary) weeping at his death. Then, this afternoon, starting at about 3:00, new alfombras were set up in the park. These were all black and tan with pictures in the center depicting various stages on the path to the crucifixion. Then a number of processions came through the park, depicting the stations of the cross and Jesus in his tomb followed (again) by the weeping virgin, this time clothed in black. Most of these went through the park after dark, and people in the procession lined the streets holding candles as the processions moved through.
I found it helpful to watch the sequence of events today, to be reminded of what this holiday is about...and am excited about Easter Sunday (though the celebration here is very different than in the U.S.--the Catholics tend to emphasize Good Friday here, and the evangelical churches don't quite make it the massive celebration it typically is at home). There will be one more procession that day, depicting the resurrected Jesus, and there will be the opportunity to hear the story read aloud in church. Then we'll be back to life as normal and focusing on finishing out the rest of the year.
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