Thoughts on foreign travel interspersed with experiences and the incredible love of God.

sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

Sickness and updates...

I found out yesterday I have a partial form of typhoid.


I'm really glad I got the vaccination last summer, otherwise it would be a full-blown case of typhoid.  That would not be sources tell me the full-blown case involves fevers so high it makes your bones hurt...

I have not had ridiculously high fevers, thankfully.  Just an upset stomach, achiness, and energy levels that drag and don't get better.

But at least I have a name for it now.  And medicine.  When the doctor told me about the medicine, she said, "This will make you nauseous, decrease your appetite, and dry out your mouth and make it taste like metal, but it's important that you eat something because if you don't, it could damage your stomach..."

Based on that recommendation, I was expecting the worst, but so far I haven't had any really awful side effects...

My host mom was really sweet this morning when she checked to see how I was doing.  She said they prayed for me at the prayer meeting at her church this morning, that with God nothing is impossible...

My energy levels plummeted yesterday, and I started to wonder if I was just being a pain for the other people in the house to deal with...

Antibiotics are wonderful things...makes me wonder what life was like before we had them.  That would have been so scary when people would get symptoms with nothing to do about them...

And it also got me thinking about whoever it was who discovered the typhoid vaccine.  Whoever it was definitely deserves a plate of cookies or a pat on the back...And if anybody is planning on traveling overseas, I definitely recommend making a stop at the local travel clinic before going on your way.  It is well worth it.  Even if it doesn't block something in its entirety.  It is much better to get the partial version than having to deal with it full force.

On another note, I did talk to the director of the school today about my decision regarding the next school year.  He said it was fine to think about it some more and let him know in a few weeks what I have decided.  In the meantime, I've started applying for some jobs back home.  After giving it a lot more thought, I am still seeing coming home as a distinct possibility.  I guess I'll see what happens as I move forward with this...

My mom told me yesterday that she heard the state department had issued a travel warning recommending people not travel along the Guatemala-Mexico border.  I checked online, though, and it says the particular state we will be traveling to has no travel warning in effect.

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