Thoughts on foreign travel interspersed with experiences and the incredible love of God.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011


Last Friday my students had a poetry party to read the odes that they had written in the style of Pablo Neruda.  In the process of planning the party, my students asked that I share an ode as here it is, my first attempt at Spanish poetry. :-)  (I've translated it into English below, and I apologize for the lack of accent marks.  I still haven't figured out how to make those with my computer.)

Oda a los sueños perdidos
En la madrugada
Acostada en la cama
Telarañas de memorias, semi-desconocidas
desvaneciendo, casi recordado
desapareciendo en las esquinas
calladas, tranquilas, olvidadas...
desapareciendo en los abismos
de la mente
Mi mente, mi misterio
Huyendo a la vez a un lugar
Solo la memoria de una
emocion, sentimiento
Un recuerdo por un momento
y se fue, y ya no mas
Ode to lost dreams
At dawn
Laying in my bed
Spiderwebs of memories, partially unknown
fading, almost remembered
disappearing in corners
quiet, tranquil, forgotten...
disappearing in the chasms
of my mind
My mind, my mystery
Fleeing all at once to a hidden
Only the memory of an
emotion, a feeling
A memory for a moment
And then it goes, and is no more

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